3 Ways Small Business Owners Can Keep Employees Motivated


As any seasoned entrepreneur can attest, a small business is only as strong as its weakest employee. That being the case, keeping employee motivation high should be among the foremost priorities of every small business owner. In the absence of consistent motivation, many workers are liable to fall into a rut and come to regard their jobs as cumbersome obligations. Fortunately, keeping a small business workforce engaged and motivated doesn’t have to be an uphill battle. Entrepreneurs looking for effective ways to boost employee motivation should put the following tips to good use.

  1. Show Appreciation

It isn’t hard to see why so many members of the workforce feel unappreciated. When your bosses rarely, if ever, offer any sort of recognition for hard work, it’s only natural to feel like what you do doesn’t matter. Unsurprisingly, an employee who feels as if they don’t matter is unlikely to put their best foot forward on the job front. With this in mind, make a point of regularly showing appreciation to team members who consistently go above and beyond the call of duty. If you’re looking for tangible ways to express your appreciation, custom-made trophies, plaques and certificates may be just what the doctor ordered. Small business owners wondering, “Where can I find print and mail near me?,” should hop on to their favorite search engine.

  1. Allow Telecommuting

Depending on the nature of your small business, telecommuting may not be an option for your staff. If you’re running a retail store, for example, working from home isn’t going to fly. However, if your business is largely tech-based and in-person client interactions are limited, allowing certain team members to do their jobs from the comfort of home can be a fantastic motivator. Many people are happier and more productive when they’re given greater control over their own schedules. Additionally, working from the comfort of home will help ensure that your crew is better-rested, less stressed and more satisfied with their respective jobs. It can also increase employee loyalty and make workers less likely to depart your enterprise for other opportunities. Telecommuting can be particularly beneficial to team members with small children and/or ample family-related responsibilities.

  1. Provide Incentive

In order to stay motivated, many people need to feel as if their efforts will eventually lead to something. That being the case, employers should be open to promoting and giving pay raises to high-performing team members. In addition to providing workers with ample incentive to excel at their jobs, this can be a great way to express gratitude to valued individuals.

A motivated workforce is a productive workforce. While some members of your team may be seasoned self-starters, most people require a little bit of outside influence to remain motivated and on-the-ball. As such, it behooves small business owners to step in and provide employees with sufficient motivation. Although some entrepreneurs may regard this task as an arduous undertaking, boosting employee motivation can be relatively simple – provided you have the right tips at your disposal.


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