5 Brilliant Ways to Use employee Reward Program in Your Company

A growing trend in HR is using rewards and recognition to help motivate your employees and build a healthier work environment. Organizations that go through the effort to keep their employees motivated and empowered will reap benefits in the long term.

It’s a low-cost but high-impact process when done correctly. Managers should make it a habit to appreciate and recognize their employees. A poll shows that 65% of employees have not received any form of recognition for good work in the last year. Implementing a rewards and recognition program will help. It can improve your workplace culture, increase employee satisfaction, decrease turnover, and help reinforce good behaviours and activities.

If you treat your employees well, your kindness will be returned to you in one way or another. You don’t want your people to go home at the end of every workday feeling defeated. We understand this and have created integration with easy source India to help you keep your people feeling valued.


Let’s presume that you’ve done all of the things theoretically necessary to land the very best talent and enable them to make an instant impact at your company: post your vacancies in the most appropriate places, invest in the right candidate management software; refine your on boarding process… what’s still missing? Oh, yes: money.. umm.. Using a cash-only program is discouragement.  Noncash typically has a higher perceived “trophy value” than cash ones, which is one advantage.

The most important thing about a program is to clearly define to your staff what the objectives are. They should know what steps they need to take to earn rewards and have constant feedback along the way. A reward program that only rewards at the end of quarters or annually won’t be as effective in regards to performance improvement.

In theory, anyway. In truth, simply throwing more cash at a prospective or current worker doesn’t necessarily get the best out of them – often, they’ll simply be excited for the five minutes after you’ve told them the news, and then carry on giving you the same performance they have always done.

The reward program is ultimately “different strokes for different folks”. So, the best is what works for you as there are no benchmarks in people motivation and engagement. Just like children in a family – every child is unique with his needs to grow and flourish.

Here proposing 5 ways of Reward program:

  1. 1. Empowering them

High-achievers want to be given the responsibility levels with which they can make a difference –Allow your employees to act on their own, do things their own way and even fail from time to time, as long as it doesn’t imperil your company’s prospects. Your best staffers will thank you for it.

  1. Employee Recognition

On the subject of gratitude, it really is the case that something as simple as acknowledging your workers’ accomplishments – whether informally with a few pats on the back, or formally through some kind of awards scheme – can make an immense difference to how they regard you as a boss. We all like to be appreciated for the good work that we do, and thanking your own employees can be key to encouraging their loyalty to your firm.

  1. Aiding their growth

It’s your duty to navigate: Do your employees feel like they have been doing the same thing for you for years? If so, it should hardly be surprising that the best of them scout around for other opportunities .You can help avoid this by continually challenging your workers with new, higher-level responsibilities, giving them the opportunity to join training programs and showing a genuine interest in their wider personal and professional growth.

  1. Investing in the development of employees

it’s often the last thing in “to do” list. The finest workers are always seeking new sources of stimulation and knowledge.  Stretch assignments are hands down the best way. Don’t think about picking the most qualified person Instead, think to pick the right developmental assignment for the person. embedding opportunities for this throughout their role, such as by directing them to interesting training materials, allow to new techniques for them to try and/or pairing them up with more experienced people in your company who can act as mentors?

  1. Making life at work fun!

Do your employees turn up at work expecting eight hours of drudgery, peeling out of the office at the earliest opportunity at 5:30pm, or do they turn up earlier and leave later than their contract states? Allow them to leave once the task is done. Many start-ups adopting this work culture as they believes in productivity. Making your workplace an enjoyable place to be may seem like obvious advice, but it’s also crucial to making many of your most important employees feel truly rewarded.



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