Reasons for the Loyalty Programs Now

The loyalty programs are part of a customer relationship and loyalty approach. They have become a key tool in a context of increased competition and consumer volatility. To be effective, your loyalty program must be backed by a proactive customer knowledge strategy.

The loyalty program, a loyalty tool in full revival

The purchasing behavior of consumers has changed considerably over the past ten years. Consumers are now better informed; they compare prices and products, regularly consult customer reviews and adopt a more critical attitude towards brands.

The diversification of the supply of goods and services has also made consumers more volatile. They are more than ever in control of their purchases.

This is the reason why acquisition strategies must now be accompanied by loyalty strategies. Retaining your customers is as important as getting them to come. In e-commerce, as in most other sectors, acquisition is no longer enough. Through Power2Motivate now you can have the best choices.

Loyalty program

A loyalty program consists of offering your member customers various advantages in order to retain them and encourage them to buy more. The more your customer buys the more benefits and rewards they receive. This often takes the form of loyalty points acquired during purchases, which can then be converted into vouchers. Loyalty programs materialized or not by the famous loyalty card, constitute one of the best loyalty tools.

To encourage you to take the plunge and offer your customers a loyalty program, we have listed its main advantages for you.

The loyalty program is an effective loyalty and retention tool

The loyalty program allows you to keep your customers for the long term, keep them coming back, limit the risk of losing customers and maintain your turnover. The member of a loyalty program will favor your brand rather than those of competitors who do not have a loyalty program, or a less attractive program.

The loyalty program creates a link with the customer

Through a loyalty program, you can build a stronger relationship with your customers; create an attachment to your brand and a strong emotional bond. The loyalty program is also one of the key elements of a customer-centric approach (putting the customer at the center). A newsletter sent to all beneficiaries of the program gives an undeniable feeling of belonging.

Holders of a loyalty program have a larger average basket

A loyalty program has a positive impact on the average basket of your customers. Thanks to a loyalty program, your customers are encouraged to buy more from you. Your loyalty program does not simply aim to maintain your turnover (by limiting the loss of customers) but also allows you to increase your turnover. Indeed, his perception of prices is not quite the same as an average customer, because he has the impression of benefiting from a promotion on all his purchases.


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