Simple Ideas That Can Boost Employee Morale

In the workplace, it is very easy to notice employees with low morale. The employee refuses to collaborate with other employees and performance is below par. The best approach to address low morale is to embrace some positive changes with meaningful benefits that can put an end to frustrations and disappointments.

Best approaches to boost employee morale

  • Employees are often frustrated when they have to commute every day to report to work. Rush hour traffic stresses them out. This problem can be addressed if the company will provide transportation through an employee shuttle, ride-sharing services or informal carpool. Another option is to reimburse public transport expenses. Meanwhile, employees with cars can be provided with a stipend for gas. Tax-free transportation benefits can encourage employees to take other options that will reduce road congestion and pollution.
  • Employees will be encouraged to take a “real” lunch break by providing them with a break room that will cater to their needs. Employees will be too happy to make suggestions on how the break room can be improved. Break room makeover can include a refrigerator and cabinet to store lunches and beautiful décor that will help employees relax. Plants can help create a relaxing ambiance as well as books, magazines or games.
  • Nothing boosts employee morale more than providing them with something free. Free lunches can be offered as a treat every week or once a month so that employees will have something to look forward to. This unconditional gift will have a positive impact similar to providing them with a big bonus.
  • Employees who are recognized as people rather than employees have higher morale. They learn to appreciate high productivity and efficiency, perfect attendance or zero tardiness. Social media is a good platform to show your appreciation. Attach a picture of the employee with his permission and write a caption that their work is well appreciated.
  • It would be very difficult for employees to report to work during inclement weather. Make it a policy that employees are allowed to work from home if there is a hurricane or blizzard. Employees and their families will highly appreciate your concern for their safety.
  • Family is often the most important thing for an employee. Encourage employees to bring their family along during work anniversaries or office parties. Start a conversation with the employee’s family members and share a sense of connection.

When employees feel that they are appreciated and respected, they become more motivated to be productive. While the work environment can be controlled with little effort, it is difficult to ensure the satisfaction of employees. However, managers and supervisors interacting with employees are the characteristics that employees desire because it allows them to communicate what is on their mind. Open communication enhances work relationships and improves employee morale.


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