Small Savings That Pay Big Dividends

You’ve probably heard a lot about the benefits of saving: Early retirement! Financial safety nets! Weathering market downturns!

These are all good things. However, for many people the idea of ‘saving up’ makes them think of serious sacrifices for the greater good. These people may be going about it wrong. It’s often the smaller changes you make, day by day, that have the biggest effect. Here are three ways to trim your budget painlessly that will pay off for years to come:

Cut Back on Convenience Food

Do you grab a coffee and prepackaged donut on your way to work? This could easily cost you 5-10 dollars every workday. Doesn’t sound like much? It translates to up to $2,500 dollars a year! Switching to home-brewed coffee and snacks that you prepare the night before frees up a lot of money for your Kasasa Saver Account.

Hidden Payoff: Down the line, you may find your health improving (and healthcare costs dropping) because you gave up prepackaged, salt- and sugar-loaded foods.

Trim Your Subscriptions and Memberships

Do you really need multiple streaming services? What about those weekly and monthly delivery boxes? One fun way to figure out what to cut is to set them up to a head-to-head competition. Netflix vs Hulu — which entertainment will be victorious? Blue Apron vs HelloFresh — whose recipes reign supreme?

Hidden Payoff: It may sound strange, but people actually enjoy things more when they have fewer choices to overwhelm and distract them. Trim down to what matters the most and you’ll get more from what you have.

Rethink Your Fitness Plan

Do you regularly make it to that high-end gym with all the latest classes and fancy equipment? For people who work out at home, do you actually find yourself hopping on that expensive bicycle with streaming cycling videos after work? If the answer is ‘yes,’ then stick with what motivates you! You can’t put a dollar value on the many benefits of physical and mental health.

What if the answer is ‘no?’ If what you’re doing costs you hundreds a month and isn’t even working, it’s time for a change. Keep an eye out at yard sales for affordable equipment to build your own home gym. Do you find the group atmosphere of fitness classes motivating? Try joining a running club or work out to YouTube videos.

Hidden Payoff: Along with saving potentially thousands a year on memberships and equipment, you’re saving the time and aggravation of driving through rush hour traffic to get to the gym. Another payoff is peace of mind after you stop beating yourself up about that expensive fitness gadget you barely use.


Learn More about Bitcoin Halving

Bitcoin halving is a fundamental aspect of the cryptocurrency’s economic model, and it plays a crucial role in maintaining its value and scarcity. The term refers to the event that cuts the reward for mining Bitcoin transactions in half. This halving event occurs approximately every four years, and it is a key feature of Bitcoin’s […]