Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Buying Rugged Computers

If you are a person who often works in the field, then purchasing a rugged computer could be the best choice for you. Fieldwork involves a lot of hazards such as extreme temperatures, rain, dust and shock — which would damage typical computers within a short time. There are several benefits that you will enjoy with the use of rugged computers, even if you are not a first-line responder or a field worker. Below are some of the reasons why you should consider purchasing a rugged computer for your day-to-day duties.


Rugged devices are built to withstand extremely harsh environments that other typical market devices cannot. For example, a device such as rugged handhelds can withstand conditions such as rain, humidity and dust for a long time and still function properly. If you buy an ordinary market laptop and use it in such conditions, it may not serve you for an extended period without breaking down.

Better Designs

Portability is a crucial aspect for devices used by field workers, and that could be the reasons why a lot of people are choosing rugged devices. Rugged devices have a user-friendly design and are also have better field handling enhancement features such as lightness and better displays. All the improved features enhance the user’s experience for better productivity for the users

Improved Battery Life

Most rugged devices have more durable batteries that last longer than what we get from typical devices. A rugged device’s battery can last up to 4 times longer than an ordinary battery. Some also have additional features such as spare batteries that you can swap without affecting your work and more power options such as solar charging.

Built to Last

Buying a rugged computer is an investment as it is built to serve you for a long time. Most of the devices in the market become obsolete within a short time due to rapid changes in technology, but the rugged devices are future proof. Their features allow easy upgrades to keep up with the technological changes, plus the manufacturing companies may come up with parts that enable the use of modern technologies using your old rugged devices.


Some of the rugged devices from Atex mobile computing have additional features such as latest-generation mobile broadband technologies to allow easy communication with teams working in remote areas. Having such a device will enable you to work from any part of the world with no extra connectivity costs.




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