Workplace Well-Being

The below infographic, Mental Wellness and the Workplace, provides a concise overview of the extent of workplace stress and offers 10 tips for workplace fixes. Statistics back up the claim that workplaces are causing stress and lowering employees’ feelings of wellness. Considerable numbers of workers report that workplace issues affect their sleep and lead them to engage in unhealthy behaviors as a coping mechanism. And a whopping 89% agree that it is safer to remain quiet about workplace stress!

So, how are workplaces going to get better if employees feel they can’t speak up or fear they will be punished if they do speak up? How will you know what employees need and want? Improvement must begin at the highest levels of management. Our workplace cultures must be more open and caring. This is large undertaking and may be out of scope for many companies to do without assistance. Perhaps bringing in the professionals in the form of a specialty consulting firm is the solution to a culture overhaul.

We realize that not every workplace can run efficiently on flexible hours or with employees working from home. But some of the tips are so simple to put into place, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. Encouraging workers to take a long enough lunch break so they can eat healthy and take a walk afterward is a great benefit to stressed-out workers and it is so easy to do! Likewise, designating a quiet work zone or building a private, walled-off area for private phone calls or discussions is simple — and it can make a substantial difference to workers’ well-being.

Continue reading to learn more about workplace well-being and how to improve it.

Graphic created by Pillar.


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