What To Do

Emergency Tree Services: What To Do When Disaster Strikes

Trees are some of the most resilient and valuable assets in our environment. They provide shade and clean air and add to the aesthetic beauty of our surroundings. However, even these sturdy giants can fall victim to natural disasters such as storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, or wildfires.

In times of disaster, it is important to know how to handle tree-related emergencies to minimize damage and keep yourself and others safe. In this guide, we will discuss the steps you should take when disaster strikes and how to prepare for potential tree emergencies.

Understanding Tree Emergencies

Tree emergencies can occur in various forms, including fallen trees, broken branches, or uprooted roots. These situations can be hazardous as they may obstruct roadways, damage property, or even cause injuries. It is important to assess the situation carefully and take appropriate action.

If a tree emergency occurs on your property, it becomes your responsibility to handle it promptly and safely. However, if the tree is located on public property or falls onto neighboring properties, it may become a shared responsibility or fall under the jurisdiction of local authorities.

Steps To Take During a Tree Emergency

  1. Assess the situation: If a tree emergency occurs, the first and most important step is to assess the situation carefully. Check for any potential hazards or dangers, such as live power lines or damaged structures.
  1. Call for professional help: In case of a hazardous situation, it is best to call for professional tree removal services immediately. The professional tree service in Canton, GA, has the necessary skills, equipment, and experience to handle the situation safely and efficiently.
  1. Secure the area: While waiting for professional help to arrive, it is important to secure the area by keeping a safe distance from the tree and blocking off access to the affected area.
  1. Document the damage: If possible, take photos or videos of the damaged tree and surrounding areas. This can be helpful for insurance purposes and to provide evidence of the damage.
  1. Check for structural damage: If a tree falls onto your property or structures, it is important to check for any structural damage that may have occurred. Contact a professional contractor if necessary.
  1. Dispose of debris properly: After the emergency has been handled, make sure to dispose of any fallen branches or debris properly. Do not attempt to burn or dispose of the tree on your own, as improper disposal may be dangerous and can result in fines.

Preparing for Potential Tree Emergencies

While we cannot predict when a tree emergency may occur, there are steps we can take to prepare for potential disasters:

  • Inspect trees regularly: Regularly inspect the trees on your property for any signs of disease, infestation, or weak branches. This can help identify potential hazards before they become emergencies.
  • Trim trees as needed: Properly pruning and trimming trees can improve their overall health and reduce the risk of falling branches during storms or high winds.
  • Have a plan in place: In case of an emergency, it is important to have a plan in place. This may include contact information for emergency tree services or local authorities, as well as a designated safe area to take shelter.
  • Keep an emergency kit: As with any disaster, it is important to have an emergency kit on hand that includes basic supplies such as first aid, flashlights, and non-perishable food items.

Additionally, knowing the signs you’re overwatering a tree can save your tree before disaster strikes. So, it’s important to pay attention to the signs and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.


Knowing how to handle tree emergencies can help minimize damage and keep everyone safe during disasters. By following the steps outlined in this guide and taking proactive measures, we can better prepare for potential tree-related disasters. You can also read this blog to know what tree services to consider throughout the winter season, to ensure your trees are healthy and prepared for any potential hazards. Remember, in case of a tree emergency, always prioritize safety and seek professional help when needed.


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