What To Do If You Are A Passenger In A Car Accident

Being a passenger in a car crash can be frightening. You may acquire severe injuries such as broken or fractured bones, injured spinal cord, internal injuries, etc. It may also damage the property you were carrying with you. Thankfully, proving liability in a car accident when you are a passenger is easy as one or both of the drivers will be at fault.

You could file a claim against the driver for your injuries if you were injured, depending on who was at fault. The driver at fault will be responsible for paying for your damages. You can consult car accident attorneys Los Angeles to know how to file a claim or claim to get compensation. 

What To Do After The Accident

Evidence is key in proving liability. After the accident, gather evidence of all your losses. It includes photographs of your injuries, official medical records, receipts of hospital bills, loss of wages, etc. All these documents will help your attorney calculate the compensation you deserve and serve as solid evidence in court. 

Filing A Passenger Injury Claim

The first step to getting compensation is filing an injury claim or multiple claims. If you are injured, you are entitled to get paid for the damages with the at-fault driver’s insurance. However, when drivers are at fault, you are allowed to file multiple claims and have the possibility to get paid by both of them. 

However, you may face a few obstacles. If you drive a vehicle in California, you are legally required to carry a minimal amount of car insurance. Still, many do not keep insurance or do not have enough to pay your compensation. 

On the other hand, the more passengers involved, the less your damages will be covered as the amount from their insurance will get divided. 

Filing A Claim Through Your Car Insurance

If the at-fault driver or drivers do not have insurance, your only option is filing a claim with your own car insurance company. If you have insurance, you can use it to pay for your damages. It may upset some people as using your insurance to fix something that was not your fault in the first place can be frustrating. 

If you have a PIP or MedPay insurance, you can use it to pay for your medical bills. However, these coverages have limits and may not always be enough to cover expensive treatment. 

Get Legal Help

Handling a car accident being a passenger can be complex. Obtaining compensation can be challenging, especially if neither party wants to settle or carry insurance. You must know your rights and options in such times. Contact an attorney to discuss your options. 


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